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Special Educational Needs and Disability

We welcome all children, regardless of need, into our school and are proud of the ways in which we guide the children throughout their time with us.

All pupils in Northwood Primary School follow the National Curriculum through quality first teaching and are given further support through small group work and intervention should they require it as we are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between SEND and non-SEND students.

We feel that attendance is vitally important to enable students to achieve their potential and work alongside parents to ensure their child is able to attend school regardless of need.


If your child has a disability and you would like to know more about what we offer at Northwood Primary School please email or telephone 01325 267 222


Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Jenna Negus


Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Hayley Douglas


Below are several documents which provide a wealth of information and directly impact upon our provision for children with SEND, and ensure that we fully comply with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations (2014). You can view our SEND, Accessibility, and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policies on our policies page HERE.



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SEND Information Report


Our SEND information report is a valuable source of information for â€‹â€‹parents in relation to our SEND offer. This report details our ethos, procedures, curriculum accessibility and provision for SEND, including who to contact if you have a question, query or complaint.


Accessibility Policy


At Northwood Primary School we endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to reduce and eliminate barriers that impair access to the curriculum, thus enabling everyone to participate in the life of the school community, including pupils, staff and visitors with a disability.


The school aims to work closely with disabled pupils, their families and any relevant outside agencies in order to allow them to learn, achieve and participate fully in school life. The school is active in promoting positive attitudes to disable people in the school and in planning to increase access to education for all disabled pupils. Please follow the link below for more information.

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SEND Local Offer


For parents of children with an identified, or undiagnosed special educational need, it is important to know who you can turn to for specialist advice and support beyond the school.  Darlington Borough Council provides a 'Local Offer' to​ children in the local area with SEND needs. Please follow the link below for more information.

Equality at Northwood

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. Under the general duty of public sector equality duty, in the exercise of our functions, have due regard to the need to:


  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited under the Act.

  • Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;ï‚·

  • Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it


As part of our public sector equality duty, we formulate, review and publish our school's Equality Policy and Objectives - sharing them with all those connected to our school - in order to ensure that our mission is clear and communicated to all. Our Trust, as our parent organisation, also publishes a Trust wide Equalities information. Both can be found below:

Teaching children about equalities, rights and difference is important to us at Northwood. We aim for our children to be 'good people' - and in order to do that, they must be able and willing to recognise, understand and embrace difference. Our PSHE curriculum, encompassing our approach to Relationships Education, is a key in delivering this mission - as part of our wider ethos and the virtues which we promote. Please follow the following links to see more information about our PSHE/Relationship Education curriculum as well as more information on our school ethos and virtues.  â€‹

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